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Our Team in Quarantine: Team Updates!

Jules Reyes

We were touched that so many of you have reached out to us via Instagram DM to check in on how our team is doing during this time. We wanted to share a little update from our U.S. and Japan teams 💚

This is a group shot of our U.S. team during our team retreat to Disneyland a week before the quarantine was put in place.

We asked our team members this question: What is one thing that helps you stay grounded during the quarantine?


🇺🇸 An update from some of our U.S. team:


ROBBIE · Director of Foodservice


“The thing that I find joy in during the quarantine is spending more time with my girlfriend Nicole during the day whether we are eating nuts and hummus in the 'break room' (aka our kitchen) or getting outside for quick 15 minute soccer juggling practice." 

Stay connected with Robbie by following @matcharobbie!


JULES · Brand Manager

“My slow mornings have been very grounding for me during this time. I block off the first two hours of my morning to move at my pace and set the tone for my day; this is usually comprised of listening to my worship playlist and partaking in my tea ritual. Each aspect of my tea ritual is deeply meditative; preparing my teaware, smelling the tea leaves, watching my tea steep, etc. My goal is to do this every morning before I reach for my phone to check my emails, Instagram, begin work, etc. It’s been an amazing way to set the tone for my day. My current favorite tea to enjoy is Gyokuro."

Stay connected with Jules by following @matchajules!


WILL · Co-founder & U.S. Team Lead

"Self-quarantine is going as well as it can and I'm finding enjoyment in all of the little things. I love spending time and watching old movies with my wife and mother-in-law, taking walks around our neighborhood, and playing with our dogs (Bonnie & Clyde). Here's a photo of me on one of my walks…"

Stay connected with Will by following @willtravels!


MARC · Co-founder & U.S. Team Lead

"Definitely trying to make the best of things! Cooking always brings me joy, so I’ve been teaching myself a couple new tricks in the kitchen. My indoor herb garden is getting a lot more love than usual. And I’m slowly but surely making my way through all of the '20 minute workout' videos on YouTube."

Stay connected with Marc by following @matchamarc


🇯🇵 An update from some of our Japan team:


KENJI · Japan Team Lead

"I've been working remotely; doing tea sampling with our farmers for the first harvest. I'm also spending my time playing legos with my 5-year old. Pottery also helps calm me down (and goes great with my matcha)."


HARIMA-SAN · Tea Farmer in Uji, Kyoto

"As all the schools here in Uji have been closed since back in March, our kids became addicted to Youtube and TikTok. I then decided to dust off my old guitar to teach my kids how to play it. I've been enjoying my time during quarantine by gardening, especially weeding. It helps me a lot."


But most importantly, how are you holding up?

Feel free to get in touch with us on Instagram. We're sending you love. 

Matcha gratitude,

Team Jade Leaf Matcha